I'd better introduced myself

I'd better introduced myself

Intro to Jenology

    Jul 23, 2003#1

    I'm actually a member here for some weeks now but i have been unable to introduce myself.Anyway i am Goldameir. That's a real name okay. I would not mention where i live for i have many nemesis around here. but i gotta mention that i am also an Andrea corr fan as well as a huge Thalia fanatic

    Intro to Jenology

      Jul 23, 2003#2

      eventho ur REALLY annoying sometimes, i still would say "Hi" to you, and WELCOME!

      Intro to Jenology

        Jul 23, 2003#3

        Welcome to BB!

        Intro to Jenology

          Jul 24, 2003#4

          Yeah I'm indeed annoying sometimes. You know I never fight back when people say really devastating things about me, but I just cannot stop myself from getting furious when I hear bad things about my idol. So sorry If spat out ill things on this forum. Frankly speaking I even quarelled with my cousin just Because of Thalia. That was years ago. We had not talked for six months. I completely ignored her because she so insulted my idol. See I'm insane about little things like that. so sorry again If I've hurt your feelings since you are a jlofanatic.