"If You Had My Love" Exclusive Footage

"If You Had My Love" Exclusive Footage

Intro to Jenology

    Feb 24, 2018#1

    Hi to all Jlo´s fans!
    I remember back in 2001 when there was the old jlo online page in wich you could access to the "if you had my love" website version (made for the internet). There, like the video, you were able to see exclusive videos of Jlo in different places of the house (bedroom, corridor, bathroom, dresser room, dance routines, dryer...).There were really beautiful and different perspectives of Jlo moving and singing through that futuristic house (wich are totally different from the official version of the song). I have lost those videos. Even, in the official Jlo´s page of that time, the 30 seconds videos of the song still had more exclusive footage.

    ¿Does someone here know about them, and if possible, share with us?
    Thanks in advance!

    Doctor of Jenology

      Mar 01, 2018#2

      hoping someone from here share those J-CAM

      Master of Jenology

        Mar 12, 2018#3

        wow very interesting I hope to see those videos