Doctor of Jenology

    Dec 22, 2012#26

    Nice can't wait for adrenlina

    Doctor of Jenology

      Dec 22, 2012#27

      Sanchoz wrote:She wore a new outfit for her performance with Wisin y Yandel :) i saw a few photos...ME LIKEY
      post them lol

      Bachelor of Jenology

        Dec 22, 2012#28

        is this the new outfit youre talking about sanchoz? :)

        sorry guys, its from jlo greece lol :D

        Doctor of Jenology

          Dec 22, 2012#29

          They performed "Follow The Leader" ??? I dont see that song on the SetList Paper?

          Master of Jenology

            Dec 22, 2012#30

            Primera Hora

            upload pics

            Jennifer López llena de glamur el Choliseo

            La ex pareja cantó a dúo el tema "No me ames" ante un público eufórico. ([email protected])
            sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012 Frances Tirado / [email protected]

            Tras 11 años desde la última actuación de Jennifer López en Puerto Rico, la afamada cantante y actriz no sólo brilló por su talento y sensualidad con su show Dance with me sino que dejó boquiabiertos a sus seguidores al tener como invitado a su ex esposo y padre de sus hijos, el cantante Marc Anthony.

            Con muestras de cariño y pegando sus cabezas en medio de la canción No me ames, tuvieron la aprobación del público que se puso de pie para aplaudirlos y gritarles efusivamente. Al concluir su parte, ambos artistas lucieron emocionados y disfrutándose el momento, tanto así que concluyeron la canción agarrados de la mano y sonrientes.

            “Esta gira ha sido un viaje para mí del amor y del placer, y ha sido un placer acabar con ella en Puerto Rico. Y como todos saben los grandes viajes de amor y de música, incluso cuando terminan,la música sigue”, dijo Jenniofer López se gundos antes de iniciar No me ames junto con Marc Anthony, para quien hubo un mar de vítores.

            Este show fue la primera de dos funciones del espectáculo de Wisin & Yandel, Follow the Leader al que Jennifer López se unió.

            Atuendos ceñidos y decorados con cristales Swarovski, lentejuelas y plumas moldearon la esbelta figura de la artista, que se sacudió en tarima moviendo su trasero y caderas con sensualidad. Además, se pasó moviendo su melena con la ayuda de abanicos escondidos en la platea.

            El espectáculo contó con once bailarines, entre los que se encontraba su joven novio “Casper” Smart, quien protagonizó junto con ella un vídeo que se emitió desde la pantalla gigante que decoraba el escenario, con muestras de cariño, para luego J.Lo cantar Baby I Love You.

            Get Right fue el tema con el que inició “la Diva del Bronx” la velada musical, seguido de uno de sus primeros éxitos, Love Don’t Cost a Thing, el sensual I’m Into You, en el que su novio y bailarín Casper le dio una nalgada como parte de la actuación musical y tuvo pura picardía con la artista al juzgar por los atrevidos movimientos entre ellos. Luego entonó Waiting For Tonight para la que hubo un impresionante juego de luces láser.

            Jennifer López desde un simulado cuadrilátero vocalizó Goin In, que fue tarareada por un abarrotado recinto. Y para no olvidar sus raíces under, interpreó un popurrí de éxitos como I’m real, All I Have, Ain’t It Funny y Jenny From The Block. Continuó su recital con el tema My First Record y para mostrar su dominio del español deleitó a la enérgica concurrencia con el sencillo Qué hiciste, que fue coreado por sus seguidores. Mientras en la pantalla salió la palabra “Ámate”.

            Siguió con una adaptación acústica de su primer éxito If You Had My Love, una versión del tema original de Selena, y luego la balada Until It Beats No More, dedicada a sus vástagos Emme y Max, quienes estuvieron presentes en una secuencia de imágenes tiernas que se iban proyectando en la pantalla y en las que Jennifer López se proyecta bien maternal. Let’s Get Loud, Papi y On The Floor fueron los temas con los que una espontánea y simpática J.Lo concluyó su participación.

            Al cierre de esta edición, le tocaba el turno en el escenario a Wisin & Yandel, quienes se esperaba se unieran a “La Diva del Bronx” en algún momento de la noche.

            Encienden “Los Líderes”

            Tras el show de Jennifer López, el público se mantuvo enérgico para recibir a sus ídolos Wisin & Yandel, a eso de las 11:45 de la noche, con los temas Mírala bien y Pam Pam con los que pusieron a bailar a la agitada concurrencia del Choliseo.

            Wisin aconsejó a los hombres a sacar a bailar a las chicas con su pegajosa canción Rakata y el recinto se convirtió en una discoteca gigante en las que las almas reguetoneras se sacudieron también al son de Pegao y Noche de sexo, que originalmente el dúo la vocaliza con Romeo Santos, pero éste no estuvo presente en el show.

            El espectáculo que fue sencillo en comparación con el de J.Lo, contó con visuales de la trayectoria de los exponentes de reguetón que con un segundo cambio de ropa. Al estar ataviados de blanco interpretaron Me estás tentando, Ahora es y Sexy movimiento.

            El repertorio urbano del autodenominado “Dúo de la Historia” se nutrió de una veintena de temas como Abusadora, Estoy enamorado, Te siento, Mayor que yo y Noche de entierro. Su primer invitado que tuvieron los anfitriones oriundos de Cayey fue el rapero estadounidense 50 Cent en la entonación de Tu olor. El espectáculo culminaría con el sencillo Follow The Leader, en el que Jennifer López se uniría a sus amigos reguetoneros.


            The former couple sang a duet of the song "Do not love me" before an audience euphoric. (Carlos.giusti @ gfrmedia.com)

            Jennifer is full of glamour at the Colosseum

            Saturday, December 22, 2012
            Frances Tirado / [email protected]

            After 11 years since the last performance of Jennifer Lopez in Puerto Rico, the famous singer and actress not only conspicuous by his talent and sensuality with their show Dance with me but left stunned his followers to be a guest at her ex-husband and father their children, singer Marc Anthony.

            With displays of affection and sticking their heads in the middle of the song Do not love me, had the approval of the public who stood to applaud and shout enthusiastically. Concluding his part, both artists wore disfrutándose excited and now, so much so that the song concluded holding hands and smiling.

            "This tour has been a journey for me of love and pleasure, and it was a pleasure to end it in Puerto Rico. And as everyone knows the great journeys of love and music, even when they end, the music continues, "said Lopez Jenniofer seconds before starting with I love Marc Anthony, for whom there was a sea of ​​cheers.

            This show was the first of two functions show Wisin & Yandel, Follow the Leader who joined Jennifer Lopez.

            Tight outfits and decorated with Swarovski crystals, sequins and feathers shaped the slender figure of the artist, who was struck on stage moving his hips back and sensuality. In addition, he spent his mane moving with the help of fans hiding in the stalls.

            The show featured eleven dancers, among whom was his younger boyfriend "Casper" Smart, who starred with her a video that was broadcast from the big screen to the stage decorated with displays of affection, and then sing J.Lo Baby I Love You.

            Get Right was the theme that began "the Bronx Diva" musical evening, followed by one of his first successes, Love Do not Cost a Thing, the sensual'm Into You, in which her boyfriend and dancer Casper gave him a spanking as part of the musical performance and had pure mischief with artist judging by the bold moves between them. Then sang Waiting For Tonight for which there was a great game of laser lights.

            Jennifer Lopez from a simulated ring vocalized Goin In, which was hummed by a crowded room. And not to forget their roots under, interpreó a medley of hits including I'm real, All I Have, Is not It Funny and Jenny From The Block. He continued his recital with the theme My First Record and to show their Spanish energetic delighted the crowd with the single that did, which was echoed by his followers. While the screen came the word "Love yourself".

            He followed with an acoustic adaptation of his first hit If You Had My Love, a cover of Selena's original, and then the ballad Until It Beats No More, dedicated to their offspring Emme and Max, who were present in an image sequence tender that were projected on the screen and in which Jennifer Lopez maternal projected properly. Let's Get Loud, Papi and On The Floor were the issues that a spontaneous and friendly J.Lo concluded their participation.

            At press time, it was his turn on stage to Wisin & Yandel, who were expected to join "The Bronx Diva" at some point in the night.

            Light "Leaders"

            After Jennifer Lopez's show, the audience was energetic to welcome their idols Wisin & Yandel, at about 11:45 pm, with items well and Pam Pam Mírala with which they danced to the agitated crowd the Choliseo.

            Wisin advised men to dance with the girls with their catchy song Rakata and the exhibition became a giant disco where souls shook reguetoneras also are Pegao and night of sex, the duo originally vocalized with Romeo Santos, but he was not present at the show.

            The show that was easy compared to that of J.Lo, was visual path of the exponents of reggaeton with a second change of clothes. Being dressed in white performed're tempting me, and now is Sexy movement.

            The self-styled urban repertoire "Duo of History" was nurtured by a score of topics as Abuser, I'm in love, I'm sorry, my senior and burial Night. His first guest hosts who were natives of Cayey was U.S. rapper 50 Cent in the intonation of your smell. The show culminated with the single Follow The Leader, in which Jennifer Lopez would join his friends reggaeton.
            Undo edits

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            Master of Jenology

              Dec 22, 2012#31

              i hope Jen and 50 performed IGBA why else would he be there??

              Doctor of Jenology

                Dec 22, 2012#32

                New outfit!

                Intro to Jenology

                  Dec 22, 2012#33

                  i like the outfit. if they r onstage all together . the should be performing ftl. what else they can perform? otherwise why to name concert Follow The Leader: The Concert. don't see the point

                  Doctor of Jenology

                    Dec 22, 2012#34

                    so no Hold It, Dont Drop It / Do It Well ???

                    wow cant wait to listen to Adrenalina!!!

                    Master of Jenology

                      Dec 22, 2012#35

                      Master of Jenology

                        Dec 22, 2012#36

                        OMG!!!I need videos!!!

                        Doctor of Jenology

                          Dec 22, 2012#37

                          what about "ADRENALINA ? "

                          Intro to Jenology

                            Dec 22, 2012#38

                            I need videos! Lol :woot

                            Doctor of Jenology

                              Dec 22, 2012#39

                              Are you guys sure they gonna stream Jen's part too? :/


                                Dec 22, 2012#40

                                She looks amazing!!!! I think she used a new outfit because she came out during their set.

                                I can't believe she performed with Marc, hahahaha. Love it. I wonder if it will make the DVD.

                                Can't wait to hear Adrenalina!! :dance

                                Doctor of Jenology

                                  Dec 22, 2012#41

                                  what time on bb time


                                    Dec 22, 2012#42

                                    BB is on Eastern time, unless your settings are set to your timezone. The first post has times per time zone. :)

                                    Beau Smart ‏@BEAUcasperSMART

                                    #PUERTORICO Tore the house down!!!!! It was #CRAZY tonite!!!! Such an amazing show!!! @wisinyyandel @JLo @50Cent @Daddy_yankee @marcanthony

                                    So they had lots of guests last night, and maybe more today!

                                    Intermediate Jenology

                                      Dec 22, 2012#43

                                      [BBvideo 716,428][/BBvideo]

                                      [BBvideo 716,428][/BBvideo]

                                      Intro to Jenology

                                        Dec 22, 2012#44

                                        Someone please record the streaming of the concert. I'll be working and won't be able to watch it :( I'd really appreciate anyone who can record it <333 Gracias Lovers!

                                        Doctor of Jenology

                                          Dec 22, 2012#45

                                          Thanks guys for the pic's and videos !!

                                          Bachelor of Jenology

                                            Dec 22, 2012#46

                                            thanks everyone .I think there's going to be more surprises today

                                            Doctor of Jenology

                                              Dec 22, 2012#47

                                              playback?!!! :cool:

                                              (sorry for jlogreece)

                                              Master of Jenology

                                                Dec 22, 2012#48

                                                In how many hours live stream will start? Im in Europe, I have no clue

                                                Doctor of Jenology

                                                  Dec 22, 2012#49

                                                  It's nice that she performed with Marc ... I mean it's good that they're in good relations :) and I like new outfit !! Cant wait for Adrenalina too :D

                                                  Bachelor of Jenology

                                                    Dec 22, 2012#50

                                                    Ahhhhhh this is the best christmas gift so far ! She is rocking the world

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